A complete guide to getting started with aromatherapy.

After using essential oils in my home for the last 4.5 years, I couldn’t imagine a day without them.  I know that sounds so silly, but as a busy woman working on living a natural lifestyle, they are a cornerstone in my wellness journey.  I have found adding essential oils to my daily routine to be a breeze, and I hope by sharing a little bit of information here, you will too! 

Get access to my exclusive Busy Mom's Essential Oils for Beginner’s class by clicking the button below!

Two of the most important aspects of essential oils is making sure they are 100% pure and have an excellent chemical make-up.  These two factors will determine how well an essential oil supports your mind/body/spirit.  To receive the best benefits from your essential oils, you will want them to be 100% pure therapeutic/medicinal grade.  Unfortunately, labeling can be very misleading, so it’s important to investigate the oil company you are purchasing your oils from.  If you don’t want to invest hours into research to find a great company, take my recommendation and use doTERRA essential oils.  doTERRA essential oils are the most trusted and most tested out there and they share their testing data with the general public.  Go to www.sourcetoyou.com to find out more.  No other company will share their testing data publicly.  

I didn’t know how OCD-like doTERRA was about their essential oil purity until I did my own research (I’m kind of a nerd) and started using them.  doTERRA uses co-impact sourcing to obtain their essential oils, leaving the middle man out of the picture.  This has helped to create partnerships with growers and distillers all over the world and increase industry in many third world countries.  This is why I LOVE this company.  Their heart for humanity and the world is HUGE!!  Check out more here .  Make sure you have a tissue or two on hand...the stories are amazing.  Co-impact sourcing guarantees the best chemical make-up, as research has suggested that plants grown in areas supportive to their ability to thrive creates the best essential oil.  

Okay, now that we talked a little bit about oil purity and the importance of chemical make-up, let’s get into the basics of essential oils.  Please remember, when I am referring to essential oils here, I am referring to doTERRA essential oils ONLY.  I do not know much about other companies, and this is a great reminder to do your own research, before purchasing essential oils.  


  • They are natural and safe with little to no side effects.

  • They are extracts from plants with health benefits.

  • doTERRA makes certified pure therapeutic grade essential oils which means they are the most pure and most effective essential oils on the market.


  • They are an effective way to support your mind, body, spirit and create a healthy home.

  • Essential oils can permeate the cell membrane because they are oil-based and can cross over the oily cell wall.  The oily cell membrane often makes it difficult for pharmaceutical companies to create safe and effective medicines for things that cause problems inside of cells. 


  • This is a big deal for this penny pinching Mama!  I like to save money which is why I am so focused on investing in my wellness right now to prevent the astronomical amount of money spent on medical care and medicine as we age.  

  • Speaking of healthcare, $6.5 trillion dollars are spent on healthcare globally each year.

  • Essential oils cost pennies per dose, so I save a lot of money by using them for me and my family (including our pets).

You may wonder how I use essential oils to support all the things, and I can’t wait to share just a few habits I’ve added to my daily routine that have literally changed my life.  It starts when I first wake up in the morning, and I walk into my bathroom.  I have my wellness cabinet ready to go with my oil infused, all-natural products and essential oils.  I start by brushing my teeth with doTERRA’s OnGuard toothpaste and follow it up with the OnGuard mouthwash.  The toothpaste has hydroxyapatite in it which has shown to help reduce cavities and strengthen teeth as good as, if not better than fluoride.  It has a blend of essential oils that are supportive to a healthy mouth and the immune system.  The mouthwash is formulated to reduce the pH level in your mouth and support healthy tissues and clean smelling breath.  I then move on to washing my face with doTERRA’s essential face wash and follow up with their essential hydrating moisturizer.  These products are infused with essential oils that are known for their cleansing and toning properties and their ability to promote a healthy looking complexion.  Peppermint and tea tree essential oils are in the cleanser and lavender, jasmine, geranium and frankincense are in the hydrating cream.  Using these products makes me feel like I’m at a spa and the immediate results are similar.  After taking care of my mouth and face, I apply Whisper blend to my forearms and behind my ears as a natural perfume and for the calming aroma.  This blend is made specifically for women to support our bodies and it helps with mood support.  I love it!!  

Down in the kitchen, I get my diffuser going with peppermint, rosemary and wild orange to uplift everyone’s mood, increase feelings of wakefulness and get everyone ready for school/work.  I add a few drops of Lemon essential oil to a big glass of mineral water and drink for it’s cleansing properties.  Later on, I may use a blend called Digestzen rolled on my tummy, after a meal.  This blend is so soothing and helpful to an upset stomach.  Since seasonal threats are pretty challenging this year, I have been inhaling a drop of peppermint from cupped hands and applying a blend called Breathe to my chest and back.  These two oils help me feel open and soothed, when my body needs extra support during the change in seasons.  

Before bedtime, I use the same mouth care and skin care routine as the morning but add a blend called Immortelle.  Holy smokes that blend is AHmazing!!  Talk about younger looking skin...yes, M’am!  Then I add a few drops of Serenity, the restful blend to my unscented body lotion and lather my arms up and apply two drops of vetiver to the bottoms of my feet.  I pay special attention to my big toe, as it is a reflex point to the brain.  The diffuser is going with my favorite night time oils, which lately have been Breathe and Lavender, and then hop into bed.  Sometimes, I get a little frisky and add Ylang Ylang, Jasmine or Rose as a little aphrodisiac…



  • Diffuse or inhale from cupped hands or straight from the bottle

    • Quickest way to get oils into your body

    • Positively affect the mood

    • Open the airways

    • Cleanse the air

    • Creates a warm and inviting environment in your home

    • doTERRA’s are so potent, you only need to add 3-5 drops to your diffuser

    • Start by diffusing for 15-20 minutes at a time-if you have a diffuser that turns on and off every 5 minutes, start with that option

    • If you have pets, make sure to leave the door open, so they can leave. Don’t diffuse in a room with pets that are in cages and can’t leave.


  • Dilute essential oils in a fatty oil, like fractionated coconut oil, jojoba oil, sweet almond oil, grapeseed oil, pomegranate seed oil, etc. 

    • Because essential oils are volatile substances (they go from liquid to gas quickly), diluting ensures that you get the most essential oil into the skin.  

    • Diluting reduces any skin sensitivities you may experience.

    • Diluting with fatty oil is wonderful for the skin and allows you to cover a bigger area.

    • Always dilute essential oils, when using them on infants, young children, elderly, and people who may have a weaker constitution.  Actually...I always dilute my essential oils, when I use them topically.

  • Use essential oils topically for localized benefits.  Like rubbing Deep Blue diluted into muscles before and after exercise to soothe any aches or stiffness.

  • A great place to apply essential oils topically is the bottoms of the feet.  The bottoms of your feet are furthest away from your nose and you can add socks, if you don’t like the smell of the oil, but you want it’s therapeutic benefits.  The skin on the bottoms of your feet are the toughest skin on your body, so rarely any sensitivities arise and it's the best place to apply diluted oils on infants. 

  • When applied topically, essential oils hit the bloodstream in 2 minutes and are in every cell in your body within 20. 

  • Do NOT apply oils on or in the eyes, down the ear, in the nose, or other sensitive areas.

  • If you get an essential oil in a sensitive spot, dilute the area with fractionated coconut oil or another fatty oil until the sensation goes away.


  • doTERRA has many essential oils that are extremely supportive, when taken internally.

  • You can add essential oils to water, under the tongue, in a spoonful of honey, or in a veggie capsule.  

  • Use doTERRA essential oils internally to support a healthy immune system, a healthy inflammatory response in the body, healthy digestion, healthy cellular function, to cleanse the body and to promote calm feelings, amongst other things.  

  • Check the essential oil label.  It will show a supplements fact, if it has been deemed safe to use internally.

  • Note:  You would only take 1-3 drops of an essential oil internally.  Start with one and go from there. 

Get access to my exclusive Busy Mom's Essential Oils for Beginner’s class by clicking the button below!

When it comes to essential oils, less is more and consistency is key.  Remember that your body is unique and what works for me, might not work the same way for you.  If you are new to oils, I recommend ordering an essential oil guide, like Advanced Oil Magic or The Essential Life book.  If you’d like to join an essential oil 101 workshop, please fill out the form below.  This is a great way to learn more about essential oils and ask the questions that you might have.  

 If you haven’t started your essential oil journey, yet, I would be happy to help you get started.  When you buy essential oils from me, you become a part of my oil family.  Our family has access to one-on-one personalized, wellness consult where we discuss your goals and how to use essential oils to meet them, private Facebook groups, continuing education video series, online and in-person workshops, and lots of support.  Click on the button below to receive a complimentary 30 minute online call where we can discuss your needs and get you started on your essential oil journey the best way for you.


Seven Ways to Relax Before Bed